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Category Archives: Beauty and health lifestyle

Infectious diseases transmitted through hands contact

Hands are an organ that touches many things every day. Washing your hand regularly may seem like a small thing, but it should not be neglected. It ensures that viruses and bacteria are eliminated, prevents infection from accidentally touching your eyes or mouth, and reduces

3 way to clean your ears safely

Symptoms of earwax blockage can happen to anyone, occurs when ear wax accumulates in the ear canal or the body can expel less ear wax. People who have a lot of ear wax will not have ear wax blockage immediately. But often clean and push

Breakfast: granola is packed with many beneficial nutrients. 

Granola is a breakfast or snack food made with wholesome grains such as oats, nuts, dried fruits, and seeds. Granola is often process to make it crispy or pressed into bars for easy eating. Cereal grains, consists of various types of grains such as oats,

Foods that people with acid reflux should avoid

Acid reflux is a condition in which stomach acid or digestive juices flow back up into the esophagus, causing heartburn. Acid reflux can be cause by many factors, with the foods you eat being one of the main factors that stimulates the lower esophageal sphincter

Healthy recipe: Grapefruit salad is a very popular menu.

Grapefruit is fruit that is gaining popularity among health-conscious people. It is known as a sour fruit that is full of many benefits, so it is becoming more widely known.  Grapefruit is a tropical fruit in the citrus family that is a cross between pomelo and