Chia seed and white sesame Bread

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Chia seed and white sesame Bread. Who knew that healthy whole-grain chia seeds would be able to make healthy breads too? This special recipe contains roasted white sesame seeds. Want to know how good it is, let’s follow along.

Chia seed and white sesame Bread


  • 350 grams of bread flour
  • 25 grams of granulated sugar
  • 1 + 1/4 teaspoons yeast
  • 1 gram of salt
  • 205 g of water
  • 50 g of vegetable oil
  • Roasted white sesame seeds 35 g
  • Chia seeds 10 grams


     1. Put flour, sugar, yeast and salt in a mixing bowl, stir to combine
     2. Put warm water and vegetable oil in a mixing bowl, stir and knead the dough for about 30 minutes until the dough is smooth and can be stretched to form a film.
     . Add chia seeds and toasted sesame seeds. Then knead together for about 2 minutes.
     4. Bring bread dough to collect the dough into a round and put in a clean bowl. Let the dough rise for about 50 minutes or until the dough has become 2 times fuller.
     5. Roll the dough with a rolling pin and make a roll. Put the dough into a 19×9 cm bread mold with baking paper.